
You have successfully registered to join the FabClass Halloween Virtual Party!
您已成功參與 FabClass 萬聖節網上派對!

Please read the reminders about the Party below.

Zoom Meeting ID:
785 208 3702
Reminder 小提示

1. Access Course Material

If you're new to FabClass, please create an account to gain access to all the course materials that will be used in the Winter Wonderland activity.
Reminder 小提示

2. How to Join the Bingo Game

To join the Bingo game:

1. Register via the QR Code (You have done this!)
2. Follow our Facebook & Instagram Page
3. Tag 3 friends under our FB or IG post
4. A Bingo card will be sent to you via email 1 hour before the party begins
5. Good Luck! A creepy prize awaits the winner!

1. 通過 QR 碼註冊(您已完成此步驟!)
2. Follow我們的 Facebook 和 Instagram專頁
3. 在我們的 FB 或 IG 帖子下標記 3 位朋友
4. Bingo卡將在派對開始前 1 小時通過電子郵件發送給您
5. 祝你好運!令人毛骨悚然的獎品等待著獲勝者!
Reminder 小提示

3. Share the Event Leaflet with Friends!

Read our leaflet to get a sense of the activities lined up for you in FabChristmas Winter Wonderland! Don't forget to share the joy with friends!
Reminder 小提示

4. Dress Up!

Christmas is that time of the year to have fun! Kids, please feel free to dress up before coming to our Winter Wonderland if you want to. It's not a must though!
聖誕節是玩得開心的節日! 小朋友,雖然不是必須的,但如果你願意,請在進入聖誕樂園前盡情打扮吧!
Reminder 小提示

4. Save the Date!

October 31 (MON)

Zoom Meeting ID: 
785 208 3702
If you have any questions about the Winter Wonderland activity, please contact us via email ( or
WhatsApp (9539 3409).

如果您對萬聖節派對活動有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件 ( 或
WhatsApp (9530 3409) 聯繫我們。
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